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Unlike the usual naughtiness behavior, dogs with separation anxiety will often chew objects belonging to their guardians because these items carry your scent. One drawback, however, is they’re full of energy which requires a lot of physical and mental stimulation. Some dogs need the closeness of their owners rather strongly.

Even dogs who adapt to being left alone all day don’t like it—it’s still not fair to them in the end. Wear your dog out with a morning jog or playtime before you leave, so that they aren’t left to fend for themselves with a ton of pent-up energy. Four hours is the longest that dogs should routinely be left alone, however, every dog is different, and some may be fine going it alone for longer than this.
#2. Establish Some Alone Time
How long is it OK to leave your dog home alone in this situation? Follow the previous advice and work up to a full day gradually. But if you have a “Velcro” dog—one that goes with you everywhere in the house or barks incessantly when you leave—the rules are slightly different. Dr. Cruz suggests consulting an animal behaviorist before negative behaviors pop up. Even if you don’t have time to exercise your dog before leaving for the day it is still important that they do get their required exercise. See this dog exercise calculator as a guide to how much exercise your particular dog needs on a daily basis.
Those first few hours by themselves is going to be a learning experience for both of you. When you first bring home your puppy, it’s likely they’ve never been alone before. To teach your dog how to be alone, start by teaching them how while you’re still home. In his eyes, by crying loudly, he managed to call you back, and he will conclude that this will work for him every time you leave the house. It hurts you to listen to him call out, and you would like to return to the house right away and comfort him.
Ways to help a home alone dog with anxiety and stress
After his first time at the doggie daycare, see how your dog feels. Some dogs might be thrilled with the new environment they encountered, while some might become even more anxious. Doggie daycare can be a great option where your dog can spend time while you are at work. However, before sending your dog to daycare, you need to be completely confident in the temperament and behavior of your dog. Leaving some old clothes for your dog can help him a lot when he is left alone at home. Smelling your scent from a piece of clothing can have a comforting effect on him.

She's also a certified personal trainer and walking coach for a local senior center. Follow her on Instagram @lisamariewrites4food and Twitter @cornish_conklin. But these tips will help you figure out the right number for your pup—and keep him happy while you're away. There are a number of ways a dog can do scenting activities when they are home alone. If your dog is outside in the backyard while you are out, try splashing a small amount of beef or chicken stock around the section.
#8. Use Chew Toys to Your Advantage
It’s important to ensure they are socialized from an early age so they can be social and healthy and prevent them from developing separation anxiety. Also, consider that each breed has its own daily physical and mental needs that you have to cover. If you are a busy person and work for long hours in a row away from home, you need to choose the breed carefully. Although each dog has its own personality, some breeds handle better staying alone. Some need more attention and social interaction than others and are more likely to develop behavior problems and separation anxiety.
If they’re staying inside, you’ll need to make sure there isn’t anything that they can get into that will kill them, like prescription medications or deadly foods. You should also hide any of your personal belongings that you don’t want to see shredded. However, if your dog is calm and well-behaved, you may want to allow him to roam around the house on his own. Because some dogs are more prone to getting into things than others, your dog may be able to roam around at night if he frequently leaves things alone that are not his. Treating separation anxiety Find out why your dog reacts badly to being left alone.
Keep an Eye on Them While You’re Gone
But, we all know that owning a dog is not only a pleasure, but also a great responsibility. To break it down, here are a few questions you should ask yourself before leaving the house. Digital Dogsitter is the easiest and most versatile way to monitor your dog's time alone. With the help of video recording, you can find out what your dog is doing alone at home, and you can deal with possible problems at an early stage. With the application’s remote monitoring function, you can see your dog while you are away. This way you can make sure that your dog is always feeling good at home.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to forget to let your dog out. As mentioned earlier, puppies can’t hold it in for very long. Some examples of triggering outdoor noise would include people talking, car horns, other dogs barking, and much more. When your dog is comfortable, they’re less likely to suffer from stress and anxiety. Puppy pee pads can be used to line the crate, room, or pen that your dog will stay in.
Some Pet Cams allow you to give him treats through the device. You can even communicate and stay connected with him through audio and a screen where he can see you too. If your pet lives in an apartment and does not have access to a yard, it is necessary to consider his potty needs.

Some dogs are more tolerant of being alone, while others suffer from separation anxiety and can’t take being left by themselves for hours at a time. Your dog’s physical needs and what they’re used to determines how long they can stay home alone. Set a routine for your furry best friend that works for you both. Try letting your dog out last thing before you leave for the day and first thing when you get home. For some pet owners, being able to see how his dog is doing while he is alone at at your house or apartment, can be a great help.
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